Novita Southern Hub
This purpose-built facility with integrated fit-out services supports people living with a disability. It features vibrant therapy rooms, activity spaces, specialised sensory equipment and a dedicated kitchen for developing independent living skills. Chappell Builders were contracted to design and construct this premium rehabilitation facility in Christies Beach. The new facility consisted of interactive therapy rooms, clinical, sensory and group activity areas, staff reception, meeting rooms and kitchens, outdoor landscaped spaces extensive staff & client car parking.
We completed full construction of the facility including demolition, site works, structural steel, concrete, cladding, ceilings and partitions, roofing, aluminium windows and doors, glazing and window film, timber doors, joinery, stainless steel splashback, tiling, floor coverings, window hoods, painting, verge landscaping and irrigation, external steel signage fencing and gates. Service trades which were overseen by Chappell Builders and included air-conditioning, power and data, security, communication, plumbing and fire services.